The EPWS Annual Conference 2024 “Navigating Gender Equality in Science: Pathways to Progress” took place online on 3 December 2024, 15:00-17:00 Brussels time (virtual form). The Conference focused on policies and practices concerning equal opportunities in Research & Innovation in the context of European research policy, following the recent elections to the EU Parliament and the expected new EU Commission.

The conference was an opportunity for EPWS members to receive information on latest developments in EU research policy, address questions to the excellent invited speakers: -Alessandra Moretti, Kateřina Svičková and Marcela Linková. Audience could also express their wishes, concerns and aspirations with regard to EU research policy and projects.
Speakers’ presentations are available.
Alessandra Moretti, Member of the European Parliament, Member of the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality
Kateřina Svíčková, Promoting Gender Equality and Inclusiveness in R&I: update on EU policies and future directions
Marcela Linova, ADVANCING GENDER EQUALITY IN THE ERA: Sustaining the current momentum in a new political constellation