This page contains official policy documents of the Council of Ministers of the European Union, of the European Parliament and Commission, as well as the reports of the different “women and science” expert groups established by the European Commission between 2000-2006.
A very complete description of the actions and publications of the European Commission in the field of Women in Science between 1999 and 2009 can be found in the books “Stocktaking 10 years of “Women in Science” policy by the European Commission 1999-2009” and its annexes.
First edition of the EU Award for Gender Equality Champions, August 2022
Policy Documents
The Global Gender Gap Report 2022, August 2022
Council Conclusions on advancing gender equality in the European Research Area, November 2015
Draft Council conclusions on advancing gender equality in the European Research Area, November 2015
REGULATION (EU) No 1291/2013 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 11 December 2013 establishing Horizon 2020 – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014-2020) and repealing Decision No 1982/2006/EC
(Text with EEA relevance) 20/12/2013
Fact sheet: Gender Equality in Horizon 2020, 9 Dec 2013
Council Conclusions on ‘A reinforced European research area partnership for excellence and growth‘ 3208th COMPETITIVE_ESS (Internal Market, Industry, Research and Space)Council meeting, Brussels, 11 December 2012
Green Paper Com (2011) 48 From Challenges to Opportunities: Towards a Common Strategic Framework for EU Research and Innovation funding, September 2011
Strategy for equality between women and men 2010-2015 SEC(2010) 1079 SEC(2010) 1080, September 2010
Gender equality, economic growth and employment, November 2009
The MASIS Report: Challenging futures of Science in Society, November 2009
Research and Technological Development Activities of the European Union in 2008, October 2009
Gender, Education, and Employment – lessons from research for policy makers, October 2009
The Gender Challenge in Research Funding – Assessing the European National Scenes, May 2009
On better careers and more mobility: a European partnership for researchers
European Parliament resolution on women and science, May 2008
Council Resolution on Equal Access to and Participation of Women and Men in the Knowledge Society for Growth and Innovation (OJ 2003/C 317/03), 2003
Science and Society Action Plan, 2002
Council Resolution on Science and Society and Women in Science (OJ 2001/C 199/01), 2001
Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions – Science and Society Action plan /* COM/2001/0714 final */
European Commission Staff Working Paper “Women and Science: the Gender Dimension as a Leverage for Reforming Science” (SEC (2001) 771), 2001
Women and Science: Networking the Networks – Declaration of Networks Active in Europe, 1999
Council Resolution on Women and Science (OJ 1999/C 201/1), 1999
European Parliament Resolution on Commission’s Communication COM (1999) 76 (PE 284.656), 1999
Communication of the European Commission on “Women and Science – Mobilising Women to Enrich European Research” (COM (1999) 76), 1999
Gendered Innovations –How Gender Analysis Contributes to Research, 2013
Meta-analysis of Gender and Science Research Synthesis report, 2012
Toolkit Gender in EU-funded research, Yellow Window Management Consultants, Engender, Genderatwork 2011
She Figures 2015 – Preliminary Results
She Figures 2009 – Preliminary Results
She Figures 2006
Benchmarking policy measures for gender equality in science
Monitoring progress towards Gender Equality in the Sixth Framework Programme, May 2009
Full European Innovation Scoreboard, 2008
Science, Technology and Competitiveness key figures report, 2008/2009
Mapping the Maze: Getting More Women to the Top in Research, 2008
Women in Science and Technology – The business perspective, Report of the Women in Science and Technology working group (WiST), 2006
Women and Science – Excellence and Innovation – Gender Equality in Science, European Commission, 2005
An overview of women and science actions implemented at European level since 2001, when the European Council adopted the Resolution on Science and Society and Women in Science (2001/C 199/01)
Europe needs more scientists, 2004
Proceedings of the Conference “Europe needs more scientists”, Brussels, 2 April 2004
Women in Industrial Research. Speeding up changes in Europe, 2004
Proceedings of the Conference “Women in Industrial Research – Speeding up changes in Europe!”, Berlin (Germany), 10 and 11 October 2003
Gender and Excellence in the Making, 2004
Proceedings of the Workshop “Minimising Gender Bias in the Definition and Measurement of Scientific Excellence”, Florence (Italy), 23-24 October 2003
A wake up call for European industry, 2003
A report to the European Commission from the High Level Expert Group on Women in Industrial Research for strategic analysis of specific science and technology policy issues (STRATA)
Analysis of statistical data and good practices of companies, 2003
Research project on the issue of women in industrial research, which issues for the first time a comprehensive official dataset on researchers by sex in the business enterprise sector
Good practices in companies across Europe, 2003
Case studies based on data supplied by companies themselves in response to a questionnaire sent out by the European Commission, members of the Women in Industrial Research Expert Group (WIR) and the European Industrial
Research Management Association (EIRMA)
Waste of Talents: turning private struggles into a public issue, 2003
Final report of the ENWISE (Enlarge Women In Science to East) Expert Group
A wide collection of European indicators on Women and Science, complete with explanatory texts, technical guidelines and methodological notes
National policies on women and science in Europe, 2002
A report of the Helsinki Group about women and science in 30 countries
Science policies in the European Union: Promoting excellence through mainstreaming gender equality, 2000
A Report from the ETAN Expert Working Group on Women and Science