COST genderSTE


genderSTE is a network of policy makers and experts committed to promoting a fairer representation of women and better integration of gender analysis in research and innovation.

It disseminates state of the art know-how on structural change of institutions and on methods for gendered analysis in research. genderSTE aims at advancing the state of knowledge in the specific fields of: cities, transport, energy, climate and industrial innovation. Its members represent government bodies, research organizations, universities, non-profits, and private companies from 40 countries, in Europe and beyond, as well as international organizations.

genderSTE is a policy-driven targeted network funded by COST, European Cooperation in Science and Technology. COST provides funding for its activities since our launch on November 28th 2012.

The target groups/ end users of genderSTE include science and technology policy, funding and performing institutions and stakeholders relying on the results of the science and technology. genderSTE will direct its activities to the first three groups and the results of genderSTE’s activities will result in better outcomes for the end users.

EPWS president, Dr. Brigite Mühlenbruch, is a member of the genderSTE Management Committee.

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