Membership fees are payable for the full calendar year (January 1 until December 31).
We recommend paying by bank transfer, specifying very clearly the member identification number.
Please find the information for payment by bank transfer at the bottom of this page.
There is no facility provided for on-line payment of the membership fees as this would cost EPWS extra work and commissioning plus conversion charges. We are truly sorry.
There are 4 categories of Membership:
Full Members (120 €)
Associate Members (100 €)
Individual Supporting Members:
Professor (30 €)
Researcher (30 €)
Student (no fee)
Supporting Organisations:
Platinum ≥ 10.000€
Gold ≥ 5.000€
Silver (SME) ≥ 2.000€
Platinum ≥ 5.000€
Gold ≥ 3.500€
Silver ≥ 2.000€
Universities, Research Institutes, Other Organisations
Platinum ≥ 4.000€
Gold ≥ 1.500€
Silver ≥ 500€
EPWS Members who temporarily face serious financial restraints can ask for a partial or full waiver of their fee/contribution.
Conditions for requesting a financial waiver:
If you wish to be considered for a partial or full waiver of your annual fee/contribution, you have to fill-in the request form for partial of full waiver membership fee/contribution.
The criteria for deciding who will be granted a waiver are:
- The request must be sent within 4 weeks following the date of the debit note letter.
- The applicant must explain why a waiver is being requested.
- If possible, supporting organizations requesting a waiver are asked to suggest an in-kind contribution (e.g. logistic support for EPWS events, dissemination of EPWS material).
- Waivers will only be granted per year and will not constitute the basis of a general request for financial support for any other events/activities proposed by EPWS.
- Waivers are at the discretion of EPWS
Please note that being a paying member of another EPWS member organization does not exempt you from EPWS membership fee/contribution.
Bank Transfers
Please use the following information:
Bank account holder: European Platform of Women Scientists EPWS
Bank name: BNP PARIBAS FORTIS, Fortis Agence Quartier Léopold 83701, Place du Luxembourg 14, B-1050 Bruxelles
To receive a debit note corresponding to your membership situation kindly contact
For any questions or feedback, please contact: