The annual conference of “Donne e Scienza” took place in Genova, Italy, 9 – 11 December 2024.
The conference, focused on the themes of “the values of science between ethics, imaginaries and careers”, aimed at reflecting on the values that inspire science from a gender perspective. Two key lectures respectively regarded “the values and responsibilities of the scientific community and women in science in particular toward war and peace” and “the gender and ethics of the artificial intelligence”. Other sessions analyzed: the work-life balance; the women’s participation in STEM disciplines; the career evaluation.
During the general meeting, the new board of “Donne e Scienza”, was elected on 10 December, which will serve for the 2025 -2027 mandate. Among the nine board members, Lucia Martinelli (EPWS president) and Mirella Orsi (representing “Donne e Scienza” as an EPWS alternate) were re-elected. Next January, the board will elect the executive committee.
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