Call for abstracts for the 11th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education in Madrid, deadline February 15, 2020!
The abstract submission deadline is February 15th.
The Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities in collaboration with the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (hosting institution), and the support of the European Network on Gender Equality in Higher Education and other Spanish stakeholders, are inviting researchers, professors, administrators, policy-makers, practitioners and students to Madrid, on 16-18th September 2020, to participate in the 11th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education.
The 11th European conference, with the theme “Advancing gender mainstreaming in Academia, Research and Innovation” welcomes high-level contributions (to be evaluated by our International Scientific Committee) in the following thematic areas:
• Gender approaches in fostering scientific-technical vocations, especially in STEM fields
• Integration of the gender dimension in university teaching (undergraduate, postgraduate and pre-doctoral training)
• Policies fostering the incorporation of the gender dimension into the content of research, knowledge transfer and innovation
• Policies fostering structural change for gender equality in the research, technology and innovation system
• Gender Equality Plans and strategies in research, technology and innovation institutions
With two cross-cutting dimensions for all the conference areas:
• Gender and Intersectionality
• Application to Polytechnic Universities, including special focus on STEM fields and Women in STEM, as well as on STEM-SSH interdisciplinarity
Proposals are expected to present research-based analysis, good practices, evaluation and impact of strategies and measures on the above mentioned areas.
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