Women in Academia, Science and Science Policy: Workshop

Women in Academia,
Science and Science Policy

Saturday, November 28th 2009
from 10 am to 6 pm

At the Finnish Institute,
60 rue des Ecoles, 75005 Paris

“This French-Finnish workshop has the goal of promoting the exchange and contacts between French and Finnish reseachers, academics and policy makers interested in gender analysis of academia and scientific research.

The workshop will explore questions of gender dynamics in the context of academic careers, organisations and knowledge production. Furthermore, it provides an opportunity for an informed comparison of and debate on gender impacts on the ongoing reforms and changes of the university and research system.

The workshop is organised by Professor Suzanne de Cheveigné, Shadyc (EHESS-CNRS, France), and Guest Professor Liisa Husu, from the Hanken School of Economics (Finland) and the Örebro University (Sweden).”

Free entrance

For the full Programme and reservations, please click here