International Workshop on Woman in Ceramic Science (WoCeram2019), Budapest, April 7-9 2019

Researchers are professionals engaged in the conception or creation of new knowledge. Overall, women account for a minority of the world’s researchers. Despite the growing demand for cross-nationally-comparable statistics on women in science, national data and their use in policy making often remain limited.



The aim of this 3-days workshop, co-organised by EPWS Board member Dr. Katalin Balázsi, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Energy Research, is to show that the European Ceramic Society boasts with excellent women researchers in the field of ceramic science.

The workshop will consist in 8 invited lecturers and some short oral presentations. The important parts of workshop are the round table discussion and poster session. The round table discussion will be oriented to the question “Balance between carrier and family in the life of young researchers”.


See program here.