W-TECH 2009

Attracting, retaining and advancing women to and in the IT profession – stepping up the UK efforts

The launch of the inaugural W-Tech event will take place on 3 February 2009 at Savoy Place, London.
An initiative by BCS and womenintechnology.co.uk, W-Tech 2009 is a key step in changing the way the UK attracts, retains and advances women in the IT profession.

All EPWS members are welcome at the event.

“Statistics show that since 2001 around 37,000 women computing professionals have ‘disappeared’—a pool of talent which could help alleviate the industry’s much publicised skills shortage.

Concerned, BCS is working across the IT industry with Intellect, e-skills and the UK Resource Centre for Women in SET. Partnering with recruitment portal womenintechnology.co.uk, and with support from the US based Anita Borg Institute, we have put together a one-day motivational showcase to support women of all ages interested in an IT career including students, experienced professionals and returners to work.

W-Tech brings together some of the smartest IT professionals, the biggest recruiters in IT, with the brightest personal development trainers and aspiring IT professionals. We aim to deliver an inspirational annual event that will both motivate young women and join up efforts across the UK and later Europe to help tackle the endemic under-representation of women in the IT profession.”

This is an invitation only event and numbers are limited.
Please RSVP to Debbie Townsend at debbie.townsend@hq.bcs.org.uk marking your email subject with W-Tech Opening.

For more information, please visit the official website here