Vacancy: Full Professor of Methodology and Statistics – Maastricht University

Maastricht University is seeking a Full Professor of Methodology and Statistics.

Keywords: Educational innovator, top research record, International outlook, international network,, inspiring leader

“The Methodology and Statistics field includes a number of methodological and statistical areas that are important to the education and research conducted at Maastricht UMC+ and the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience (FPN).

The first area, Optimal Research Designs, can be defined as the statistical calculation of (research) design characteristics that help translate the researcher’s design choice into better, more efficient result estimates and a greater capacity of statistical tests with the smallest possible sample size.

The second area, Statistical Analysis, is closely related to the first and involves researching methods of statistical analysis for clinical trials and randomised multi-centre and cluster trials.

The third area of Methodology and Statistics concerns research into the Quality of Measurements.”

Additional information about this vacancy is available from Prof. F. van Merode, vice-dean of the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences.

Phone: +31 43 38 71329 or +31 43 38 71324
Email: f. vanmerode (at) maastrichtuniversity (dot) nl

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