Up to 25 individual Marie S. Curie FCFP fellowships (junior/senior) at Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies

Marie S. Curie FRIAS COFUND Fellowship Programme (FCFP) The Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) is the University of Freiburg’s international research college. The Institute announces the following Individual FCFP fellowships for the academic year 2021/22:

• Junior fellowships (completed PhD plus one to six years of post-doctoral experience) (12 month fellowships between September 1, 2021-September 30, 2022)

• Senior fellowships (completed PhD plus a minimum of six years of post-doctoral experience or a tenured professorship or equivalent permanent position) (3 to 10 month fellowships between September 1, 2021-September 30, 2022) The FCFP is intended for current or future leaders in their fields.



About 25 FCFP fellowships are available to researchers regardless of their nationality and field of research and are awarded through a highly competitive, strictly merit-based selection process. Note, however, that applicants may not have resided or have carried out their main activity in Germany for more than a total of 12 months during the 3-year period prior to the application deadline.

FRIAS is particularly interested in applications from female candidates for this position and therefore, strongly encourages women to apply.


The completed FCFP application form together with the required documents has to be uploaded via the application portal for Senior Fellowships (https://www.frias.uni-freiburg.de/fcfp-senior-fellowships-202122/) or Junior Fellowships (https://www.frias.uni-freiburg.de/fcfp-junior-fellowships-202122/) and submitted by September 30, 2020; 24.00 h CET.

Information on the application and selection process (required documents, guidelines on eligibility, evaluation criteria, timeline and stages of the selection process) is provided at https://www.frias.uni-freiburg.de/en/funding-programmes/marie-s-curie-frias-cofund-fellowships-fcfp.

The FCFP call for applications is co-financed by the European Union through the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme “Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action, People, Co-funding of regional, national and international programs (COFUND)” and the State of Baden-Wurttemberg.


Apply here

Deadline September 30, 2020; 24.00 h CET