There are fewer grounds today than in the past to deplore a North–South divide in research and innovation. This is one of the key findings of the UNESCO Science Report: towards 2030 launched on 10 November 2015.
For two decades now, the UNESCO Science Report series has been mapping science, technology and innovation (STI) around the world on a regular basis. Since STI do not evolve in a vacuum, this latest edition summarizes the evolution since 2010 against the backdrop of socio-economic, geopolitical and environmental trends that have helped to shape contemporary STI policy and governance.
Written by about 60 experts who are each covering the country or region from which they hail, the UNESCO Science Report: towards 2030 provides more country-level information than ever before. The trends and developments in science, technology and innovation policy and governance between 2009 and mid-2015 described here provide essential baseline information on the concerns and priorities of countries that should orient the implementation and drive the assessment of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the years to come.
The report is available for download (pdf). You can also order a copy.
The Arabic, Chinese, French and Spanish editions of the report are due out before the end of 2016.
Read the Executive Summary in one of the following nine languages:
English | Français | Español | Русский | العربية | 中文
Português | Deutsch | Catalan
All resources related to the UNESCO Science Report are open access and may therefore be downloaded freely.
Contact the Editor-in-Chief, Susan Schneegans.