Two PhD Positions: Quantum cryptography and quantum network

The University of Vigo (Spain) is offering two PhD positions in quantum cryptography and quantum networks within the project “Quantum-Safe Internet (QSI)” (Horizon Europe MSCA DN). The University is dedicated to promoting the role of women in science, and, therefore, explicitly invites women to apply.

The candidates will work in the theory group of Prof. Marcos Curty at the Department of Signal Theory and Communications, and will collaborate with several international partners within the QSI network.

QSI aims at training a world-class cohort of doctoral researchers (DRs) capable of taking the next essential steps in the highly demanding area of cybersecurity. We aim to build strong lasting links between strategically selected industry and academic partners, in different disciplines, via the development of novel technologies for practical applications in data security. In parallel, we will also combine, via a collaborative long-term interdisciplinary approach, expertise in all relevant communities to address key fundamental problems in secure communications in the quantum era, and the important applications therein. The project consortium embraces excellent European Institutions.

The research topics of the PhD positions offered at the University of Vigo are the following:

– Quantum Key Distribution with Enhanced Security and Performance

* Objectives: Improve the implementation security and performance of prepare-and-measure QKD setups, particularly those based on quantum interference. Investigate methods to address the authentication problem in QKD.

– Quantum cryptographic schemes for quantum networks

* Objectives: Designing efficient multi-user quantum cryptographic schemes for entanglement-based quantum networks

Interested candidates are encouraged to contact Marcos Curty for more information. They should send the following documents:

– Cover letter
– Curriculum Vitae
– Contact information of two referees

The positions have a duration of 3 years. The successful candidates are expected to start their PhD in the fall 2022.


Apply here

Deadline: 31 August 2022