The International “Carlotta Award 2022” four young women scientists on wheat research has been assigned

To promote achievements of young women researchers, EPWS gave its logo and patronage to the Prize “Carlotta Award 2022” second edition. This International Award is dedicated to the memory of Carlotta Parisani, who in the early 1900s contributed to foremost research on wheat. The prizes have been assigned to four young women scientists on 27th October 2022, in Bologna, as part of the International Congress From Seed to Pasta IV.

Winners and organizers of the Carlotta Award 2022. From left: Jyoti S. Sharma (USA), Meryem Zaim (Morocco), Hafssa Kabbaj (Morocco), Giuseppina Del Signore (ENEA, Italy), Ilaria Marcotuli (Italy), Margherita Venturi (Academy of Sciences / University of Bologna, Italy), Patrizia Galeffi (ENEA, Italy), Valentyna Klymiuk (Canada), Paula Silva (Uruguay). In the videos from left: Caixia Lan (China), Divya Ambati (India).
Picture credit: Giuseppina Del Signore, ENEA, Italy.

On the of “Wheat genetics, genomics and breeding”, the first and second prizes were awarded respectively to Caixia Lan (Huazhong Agricultural University, China) and Valentyna Klymiuk (Saskatchewan University, Canada). On the subject “Sustainable wheat production for food security, food quality and safety, durum wheat-pasta value chain” the first and second prizes were awarded respectively to Ilaria Marcotuli (Bari University, Italy) and Jyoti S. Sharma (Minnesota, Twin Cities University, USA).

Special mentions were assigned to Hafssa Kabbaj and Meryem Zaïm (ICARDA, Morocco), Divya Ambati (ICAR, India) and Paula Silva (INIA, Uruguay) as young woman researchers from developing or emerging countries.
Congratulation to Patrizia Galeffi and Giuseppina Del Signore (ENEA, Italy) for organzing this event.

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