The Innovation Convention 2014


The Innovation Convention is an essential part of the Innovation Union flagship initiative, the European Union strategy which aims to create an innovation-friendly environment that makes it easier for great ideas to be turned into products and services that will bring our economy growth and jobs.

The Convention provides a platform to debate and inform policies that will contribute towards the building of a research and innovation eco-system in Europe that can support this objective.

EPWS is co-organising with EUWIIN, the European Union Women Inventors and Innovators Network, a fringe session called “Bridging the Gender Gap and Accelerating Innovative, Sustainable Growth”.


Brussels, March 11th 2014
from 9.00-10.45h


Registration to the Innovation Convention is done through the link :
The Event Profile is availabe here //
The Description of the Session can be found here //
The Session Programme is here //