As part of building the European Research Area and addressing the most important needs of society, the European Commission has announced that it will set up ten new Pan-European Research Infrastructures.
These new infrastructures will look at a variety of priority issues from infectious diseases to carbon dioxide management, from natural disasters warning to space observation.
The new surge of research infrastructures which was jointly announced by the European Commission and the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI), was unveiled in December 2008 and is an “essential part of building the European Research Area, and must be one of the priorities of the EU and national recovery plans” said Janez Potočnik, European Commissioner for Science and Research.
The Commissioner went on to add that “to get these infrastructures operational quickly, I hope that Member States will also avoid any further delays in adopting the proposal for a European legal framework for European research infrastructures (ERI). This legal status, tailor-made for international cooperation on major projects, will reduce the administrative burdens and time-wasting involved in negotiating VAT status, excise rules and public procurement on a case-by-case basis. We have no time to lose in developing “smart” investments in research.”
The ten new infrastructures have been identified by ESFRI, which is composed of representatives from EU Member States, including EPWS Board of Administration member Dr Ana Proykova.
The identification of these infrastructures was followed by an intensive consultation process, involving more than 200 experts. The aim of this initiative is to both support the construction of new research infrastructures and to optimise the use and development of the best currently-existing research infrastructures in Europe.
For more information on EU Research infrastructures and the role of ESFRI, please click here