Scientix: the community for science education in Europe

Scientix — the community for science education in Europe — was created to facilitate regular dissemination and sharing of know-how and best practices in science education across the European Union. Scientix is open for teachers, researchers, policy makers, local actors, parents and anyone interested in science education.

Scientix collects teaching materials and research reports from European science education projects financed by the European Union under the 6th and 7th Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development (Directorate General Research), the Lifelong Learning Programme (Directorate General Education and Culture) and various national initiatives.

Through various online and off-line services Scientix wants to create a lively community for its users. The Scientix project started in December 2009 and the website was launched in May 2010. Scientix is managed by European Schoolnet (EUN) on behalf of the European Commission (DG Research).

Visit the Scientix website, here