SCGES, the Standing Committee for Gender Equality in Science, is organizing two webinars in June 2022

1. “Toward Gender Equality in Science: Perspectives from Psychology“
organized by UPsyS, will take place on Monday, June 13 2022 at 15:30 CEST

Pam Maras: “Toward Gender Equality in Science: Perspectives from Psychology

Vindhya Undurti: “Gender Equality in Psychology: An intersectional feminist perspective from South Asia

Isabelle Régner: “The influence of gender stereotypes on cognitive performances and hiring decisions

More information and registration form here.


2. “Quotas for women in science: are they an effective step towards equality and/or equity?
organized by IUBS, will take place on Wednesday, June 29 2022 at 15:00 CEST

Marguerite Evans-Galea, Director of the STEM Careers Strategy with the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering and co-founder and CEO of Women in STEM Australia

Renee Borges from the Indian Academy of Sciences “Gender in STEM streams in India”

Gerlind Wallon, Deputy Director EMBO, EMBO Women in Science “Exploring quotas in academia”

Silvia González Pérez, vice-chancellor of Research in Universistad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador “Why is there gender equity at UTPL?”

More information and registration form here.