Sarah Lamaison, an EPWS individual member, was awarded the 2020 French Young Talents L’Oréal-UNESCO for Women in Science prize.
On October 8th 2020 Sarah Lamaison, an EPWS individual member, was awarded the 2020 French Young Talents L’Oréal-UNESCO for Women in Science prize, for her PhD work entitled “Engineering high-performance electrocatalytic devices for the conversion of CO2 to chemical fuels”. This work was performed between Professor Marc Fontecave’s Lab at Collège de France – Paris Sciences Lettres, Sorbonne Université, CNRS (UMR 8229), France – and the Jaramillo Lab, Stanford University, USA.

Her research aims to offer solutions to convert CO2 back into chemical feedstocks (chemicals, fuels) that are currently produced using fossil resources. This project lies in the field of artificial photosynthesis with the overarching goal of creating a sustainable carbon cycle freed from its current dependence on fossil fuels.
Her project led to the filing of multiple patent applications; an associated entrepreneurial project, that she will lead alongside Dr. David Wakerley, is laureate of the French National Innovation i-lab 2020 competition.
EPWS heartily congratulates Sarah and wishes her all the best for her future scientist career!