Public stakeholder consultation – Horizon 2020


Horizon 2020, with a budget of €77bn from 2014 – 2020, is the biggest European Union research and innovation framework programme ever and one of the largest worldwide. Horizon 2020 promotes Europe’s scientific and technological excellence to extend the frontiers of  human knowledge, boosts the European Union’s economic competitiveness and addresses societal challenges.

We invite everyone to take part in this public stakeholder consultation in the context of the interim evaluation of Horizon 2020, and to have a say on research and innovation activities run by the European Commission. The results of this consultation will feed into the report on the interim evaluation of Horizon 2020, will help us to improve the implementation of Horizon 2020 and will set the scene for the future  iscussions on the next EU research and innovation funding post-2020.
According to the legal act establishing Horizon 2020, the European Commission has to carry out an interim evaluation of the programme by 31 December 2017. Public stakeholder consultation is a very important part of this interim evaluation.”

This Horizon 2020 questionnaire consists of six parts and it will take around 20 minutes to respond.

Answer the Questionnaire