Professorship in Forming Technology of Metals and Composites at Clausthal University of Technology

The Faculty of Natural and Materials Sciences of Clausthal University of Technology is seeking to appoint the position of a University Professor (Salary Scale W3 NBesG) “Forming Technology of Metals and Composites” at the Institute of Metallurgy as soon as possible

The successful candidate is an expert in at least one of the following areas:

  • Development and optimization of metals or material composites with respect to their forming behavior and to the resulting material properties
  • Development and optimization of forming processes and corresponding plant technology with respect to the production of new and improved materials and products
  • Physical and numerical simulation of forming processes across all scales from material phenomena to component properties



In this context, the deformation behavior of recycled materials is of particular interest. This research area is closely linked to industrial practice. Thus, industrial contacts and/or industrial work experience are expected.
Forming technology and the relevant fundamentals are subjects of teaching of materialoriented courses at Clausthal University of Technology (Materials Science and Technology, Mechanical Engineering).
The candidate is expected to work in an interdisciplinary manner within the framework of the main research areas of Clausthal University of Technology, particularly in the interdisciplinary research field “New materials and processes for competitive products”.
The requirements of the position are defined in Section 25 of the Niedersachsen Higher Education Act (Niedersächsisches Hochschulgesetz NHG).
Experience in the acquisition of third-party funded projects or corresponding industrial experience is a prerequisite.
The willingness to hold courses in German and English is a prerequisite. Strong commitment to teaching is expected.
The Clausthal University of Technology wishes to increase the number of its female faculty. Therefore, applications from female candidates are particularly welcome. Candidates with disabilities who are equally qualified will be given preference. Applications from international scientists are welcome; proficiency in the German language is desired for teaching and committee work.
A part-time professorship is possible upon request.


Applications and more info


Deadline 28 April 2022