The Faculty of Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering at Graz University of Technology is seeking applications for a professorship for Foundations of Data Science with focus on Big Data Management.
The successful candidate will be member of the Knowledge Technologies Institute ( The position is a §98 UG professorship with a duration of 5 years. After a successful evaluation an unlimited contract is foreseen.
The Knowledge Technologies Institute is engaged in research in the fields of Cognitive Computing and Big Data Analytics. This call for applications is issued in the context of a BMVIT endowed professorship ( in close collaboration with the Know-Center (Austria’s Research Center for Data-driven Business and Big Data Analytics, and other companies.
We are seeking candidates with demonstrated scientific excellence to represent the area of Foundations of Data Science with a focus on Big Data Management in both research and teaching and who will complement our existing team.
The chosen application domain for this professorship is Smart Production / Industry 4.0. Ideally, the candidate will bring relevant experiences and interest in real-time data processing to the table.
Relevant research topics include but are not limited to:
- Database Technologies (e.g. NoSQL data bases, stream data bases, high-performance storage).
- Big Data Management (e.g. versioning, provenance, and trust).
- Big Data Integration (e.g. integration of structured and unstructured data from heterogeneous sources, semantic alignment).
- Data Science Infrastructures (e.g. modern distributed, scaleable techniques and architectures such as MapReduce (Hadoop), in-memory computational databases, many-core parallelism, GPGPU, heterogeneous hardware utilization).
- Data Transformation (e.g. migration, standardization).
- Semantic Technologies in the context of Big Data (e.g. triple stores, reasoning).
- Big Data Analytics of Sensory Data (e.g. integration of engineering models and data-driven models).
A specific goal of the professorship is the establishment of several Data Science/Data Management teaching modules in the Master programs of Information & Computer Engineering, Computer Science, and Software Development & Management. We expect active participation in teaching at the Bachelor, Master, and PhD level and a willingness to participate in matters of academic administration. Moreover, relevant experience in obtaining funding and managing national and international research projects is required.
Unique Research Environment
Graz University of Technology offers a unique research environment to address the aforementioned research challenges. On the one hand, co-operation with the Know-Center provides access to relevant local companies and to existing Big Data infrastructure and services. On the other hand, Graz University of Technology is home to the Smart Production Graz initiative, which addresses relevant research questions in an industrial context and already comprises an endowed professorship, a SMART Factory (, LeanLab, and FabLab.
Requirements for candidates
- A national or international university education with a completed doctoral degree.
- Habilitation (venia docendi) or an equivalent qualification in a relevant research field.
- Excellent scientific achievements, documented by internationally recognized publications.
- Excellent didactic skills.
- A readiness to actively collaborate with the Know-Center.
- Proven ability to develop and lead a research group.
- Successful acquisition and management of research grants.
- Integration in the international research community.
- In addition, the rules of the endowing organization BMVIT apply: The candidate must come from outside Austria, that is at the time of grant application the candidate must not have had an active employment contract with any Austrian University for the past 3 years. During the grant period, the candidate must have at least an 80% employment contract with Graz University of Technology. (
In order to represent the subject internationally and to teach, excellent knowledge of English is required in both speech and writing. If the candidate does not already know German at the time of employment, the willingness to learn the German language is required.
The transfer of residence to the area of Graz is required.
Graz University of Technology is committed to increasing the percentage of female employees, especially in executive positions and as research staff. We therefore explicitly encourage qualified women to apply. Given applicants with equal qualifications, priority will be given to women.
Candidates should submit their detailed application
- using the TU Graz application form (PDF / Word)
- including the usual documents (copies of diplomas, resume, list of publications, overview of past research and teaching activities, evaluations of teaching activities if available)
- research statement describing the planned research activities
- teaching statement describing the planned teaching activities
- their 5 most important publications
- 2 references
in English and in electronic form at the latest by
20th of June 2016 (date of email)
to the Dean of Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering, Prof. Frank Kappe,
For questions please contact Prof. Stefanie Lindstaedt (