Press Release – In Quest of Scientific Excellence



“The Gender Challenge in Research Funding – Assessing the European National Scenes”

Presentation of the Final Report of the EU Expert Group on “Gender and Excellence” 2009, in Berlin

Brussels, 7 July 2009
: In the presence of more than 130 researchers, equal opportunity officers, policy makers and practitioners working for the promotion of equal opportunities in science and research in the German speaking countries, the EU Report The Gender Challenge in Research Funding – Assessing the European National Scenes was presented and discussed in Berlin on the occasion of the CEWS Conference “Frauen für die Stärkung von Wissenschaft und Forschung” (Women for the Strengthening of Science and Research).

The Report, published in May 2009, contains the findings and recommendations of an international Expert Group on “Gender and Excellence” set-up by the European Commission in 2008 to provide recommendations on the improvement of transparency and accountability of procedures used in selection committees for grants and fellowships awards, and access to research funding in general – an important starting point also regarding the creation and provision of equal opportunities for women and men scientists in selection processes.

The Report puts forward the following key recommendations for funding institutions and other stakeholders:

▪ Take gender challenge seriously
▪ Increase the number of women researchers applying for funding
▪ Improve gender balance among gatekeepers and peer-reviewers
▪ Monitor gender data and publish results
▪ Improve transparency in research funding


Read the Full Report