Marie Sklodowska-Curie COFUND fellowship at APC Microbiome Ireland: Call 2 is Open

APEX is a postdoctoral fellowship Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) COFUND programme, based at APC Microbiome Ireland at University College Cork (UCC), and cofunded by H2020.

Submission deadline 9th April 2019.

APEX is a new intersectoral training, career development and mobility fellowship which focuses on the research strengths and expertise of the Institute in the area of gut microbiota and their role in human health and disease.



The APEX programme will offer 20 prestigious two-year postdoctoral fellowships for incoming mobility across two calls over the 60 months duration of the programme. Call 1 is now closed and Call 2 will open early January 2019. Fellowships will be targeted at experienced researchers. (An experienced researcher must at the application deadline be in possession of a doctoral degree OR have at least four years of full-time equivalent research experience in academia or industry).

All fellows will be hosted in an APC academic host organisation (University College Cork or Teagasc Moorepark ) and will be required to complete a mandatory secondment in a relevant industry host.

Fellowships will be offered in the four thematic APC research areas of ‘Microbes to Molecules’, ‘Diet and Microbes at the Extremes of Life’, ‘Brain-Gut-Microbiota Axis’ and ‘Host-Microbe Dialogue’. Adhering to the MSCA principle of ‘individual-driven mobility’, APEX applicants will have the freedom to choose their research topic (within the remit of the APC), their supervisor and their secondment organisation. Secondments will be relevant to the fellows’ research project and their career development.


More information here.