The Team for Best Practices, a member of EPWS, the Institute of Sociology at Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw along with the Polish Sociological Association are pleased to announce the VIth International Scientific Conference on Women in Science to be held on 10 April 2019, entitled:
Masculinity and femininity: towards gender complementarity
This year we will comprise the broad range of issues of the masculinity and femininity transformations in contemporary societies. While stereotypical thinking about gender is becoming less popular and different variants of fulfilling social roles are becoming more popular, we propose to discuss about not only gender differences but mainly about gender complementarity.
Pdf with more information here.
Abstracts in Polish or English should be sent by 15th March 2019 to email address: They should not exceed 500 words. Confirmation of acceptance will be sent by 20th March 2019.
Registration form (word documente) here.
In case of any questions regarding conference, scientific program or submissions, please contact us at