In order to inform NCPs and the wide range of Science with and for Society stakeholders on latest policy developments in the field, prepares policy briefs with the aim of bringing policy makers closer to the core of the programme and facilitate a better understanding of key issues in an accessible form. The policy briefs focus on the different dimensions under the umbrella of Responsible Research and Innovation. Click on the titles below to access the policy briefs.
Research Integrity: This policy brief aims to provide a concise definition, explanation and context, along with useful (online) resources on research integrity.
Citizen Science Policies in the Europen Commission: The policy brief provides a short and concise overview of citizen science policies, including goals and challenges, policy implications and recommendations.
Open Access Policies of the European Commission: Towards open science: This briefing paper aims to acquaint research stakeholders with the Open Access requirements of FP7 and Horizon 2020.
Science education policies in the European Comission:towards responsible citizenship: The policy brief presents the rationale, challenges, objectives and guidelines for a new approach on science education.