Postdoctoral Researcher (Phononic and Photonic Nanostructures group)

The P2N research topics include studies based on phonon and phot on confinement, optomechanics, nanoscale heat transport and phononic and photonic crystals in semiconductor, organic and oxide nanostructures. The group carries out pioneering in nanophononics and in nanofabrication and nanometrology.


ICN2 PhD Programme


Main Tasks and responsibilities:

The candidate will conduct analytical theory combined with simulations using group theory to specifically design and optimization of topological waveguides for bosons. In particular, the candidate will explore and optimize novel and existing designs for planar and layered topological waveguides and heterostructures for near-infrared photons and phonons in a wide spectral range from few to 100’s of GHz. Based on topological photonic crystals, these waveguides will be optimized for low-loss transport while simultaneously controlling the dispersion and topology of photonic and phononic modes.


Education, Experience, Knowledge and Competences required:

Theoretical physics with background in photonic/phononic crystals and/or optomechanics with expertise in analytical and numerical tools for band structure analysis and calculation. Background on group theory will be a plus. Fluent in English.


Research Career Profile (According to the European Framework for Research Careers):

R3-Established Researcher


Equal opportunities: ICN2 is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity and inclusion of people with disabilities.