Basic Sciences, also named Pure or Fundamental Sciences, are concerned with the increasing of knowledge and provide a fundamental understanding of natural phenomena. They include all fields, such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science.
This year is planned to be organized under the aegis of UNESCO from July 2022 to July 2023. Its purpose is to strengthen all over the world the role of basic sciences toward the achievement of Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals. Activities of all kind will be organized at the international, regional and national levels.

The Steering Committee of IYBSSD 2022 is composed by Founding Unions and Founding Partners. It is chaired by Dr. Michel Spiro, IUPAP President (2019-2023), IUPAP being the referent institution.
The International Advisory Committee (IAC) is composed by national science academies and scientific networks. IAC advises the Steering Committee about the international programme and helps to set national and regional programmes for IYBSSD 2022. It shall meet at least once a year, in person or online.
The European Platform of Women Scientists EPWS welcomes the IYBSSD 2022 initiative and expresses its sincere expectation that the organisers of IYBSSD 2022 will take special care to encourage women scientists to apply to and participate in all planned committees and programmes of activities as well as to include women scientists in significant numbers in all planned activities and projects, at international, regional and national levels.
Against this background, EPWS will support the IYBSSD 2022 in particular by:
– taking part in the International Advisory Committee of IYBSSD 2022,
– sharing information about IYBSSD 2022 toward its members and partners;
– inviting its members to support IYBSSD 2022 and join National Committees;
– agreeing that its name and logo be mentioned as a support organization and member of the International Advisory Committee on any communication material produced about IYBSSD 2022) wherever the IYBSSD 2022 organizers will consider it relevant.