Nanotechnology for Sustainable Economy

European and International Forum
on Nanotechnology
2 – 5 June 2009
Prague, Czech Republic

Individual sessions will be devoted to:

� Nanotechnology in eco- and energy-efficient industrial production
� Nanotechnology for energy production and management
� Environmental applications and implications of nanotechnology
� Future applications and new ideas
� Nanotechnology: education, standardization and social perception of
benefits and risks.

“The Forum will address the contribution and challenges of nanotechnology research for a sustainable development of European industry and society, such as the need for reduction in carbon emissions and fossil fuels dependence, the substantial increase in energy demand and material production sustainability and efficiency, pollution control, clean water management and sustainable quality of life of the European citizen. In this domain, nanotechnology presents many opportunities and challenges that have to be analyzed at international level through a safe, responsible and integrated approach.

The Forum will create a unique opportunity for researchers and industrial experts working in diverse fields of science and technology to meet, discuss, co-operate, and to contribute to formulating a European nanotechnology strategy to be in place after 2009.”

For more information, please visit the Forum’s website, here