Marie Curie’s 150th birthday


“Science is at the root of all the progresses that alleviate human life and decrease its suffering”

Marie Curie

Marie Skłodowska-Curie was born on November 7th 1867 in Warsaw, Poland. Many European countries celebrate the birthday of the woman who has been a role model for so many women scientists, including EPWS members.

In France on November 7th morning a ceremony was held at Pantheon, the place where the bodies of great Frenchmen are buried. Pierre and Marie Curie’s bodies were moved there in 1995, Marie being thus the first woman to be there for her own merits.

In the afternoon a ceremony took place at Institut Curie, see in French:

This institute, founded by Marie Curie and Medicine doctor Claudius Regaud in 1913 under the name of Institut du Radium, is the first and oldest place where cancer has been treated in France. It is now a hospital and a top research center on cancer. The different speakers insisted on the heritage of Marie Curie’s in nowadays research and on her pioneer vision in particular on the importance of international contacts between researchers.

Then the Curie Museum, which is on the premises of Marie Curie’s laboratory, was declared “Historic  Site” by the European Physical Society.

Other Marie Curie celebrations took place all over Europe, in particular in Poland. 

Read more about Marie Curie: