Kick-off meeting of the project “She Chooses STEM for the Future”

On November 24th  2022, the President of EPWS (Lucia Martinelli) participated in the Kick-off meeting of the project “She Chooses STEM for the Future” (SCS), being EPWS an associate partner of this project. SCS, a European Union’s transnational ERASMUS + project, aims at responding concretely to the need to identify effective innovative tools to bring young women closer to science subjects, and spreading the values of inclusion and combating discrimination. The project, coordinated by the Municipality of Narni (Italy), includes the cooperation of high schools and Universities from various European countries, such as IIS Gandhi (Italy), IES La Zafra (Spain), GPCHE ‘Simeon Radev’ (Bulgaria) and UCAM University (Spain). This team is complemented with strategic and functional cooperation, among them: the Portuguese School of Higher Education EPRALIMA, the Rumanian Universitatea ‘Din Pitesti’, the non-profit Bulgaria Training, the Italian Institute of Air Pollution of CNR, and EPWS. The final Conference will be on 19-20 September 2024 in Bruxelles



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