Job Posting – German Institute of Global and Area Studies, President

The GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies / Leibniz-Institut für Globale und Regionale Studien and Universität Hamburg are jointly seeking to fill as soon as possible the position of:

GIGA President (in accordance with pay grade W3)

for a five-year term (extension possible).

This position includes a permanent Professorship at the Universität Hamburg (W3), Ref. No. GIGA4/W3

The GIGA is a publically funded, internationally renowned research institute and member of the Leibniz Association. The institute’s research – synonymous with excellence and integrated into international networks – focuses on political, economic and societal developments in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East and is dedicated to inter-regional and global issues. The transfer of results of practice-oriented fundamental research is an important part of the GIGA’s expertise.

Key duties as the GIGA President will include:

– managing the GIGA and representing it both nationally and internationally to diverse contacts in the academic, political and economic fields
– consulting political and economic decision-makers
– conducting research
– publishing peer-reviewed articles
– acquiring external funding

As a regular professor at Universität Hamburg, the GIGA president assumes teaching responsibilities (totalling two hours per week per semester) and examination duties within the university’s Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences. Universität Hamburg places particular value on the quality of teaching.

The GIGA and Universität Hamburg support equal employment opportunities and actively encourage applications from women. Qualified female applicants will receive preferential consideration in those areas in which they are underrepresented.

For further information, please contact Julia Kramer, assistant to the Board of Directors, on +49 (0)40 – 42825-540 or at

The deadline for applications is 18 July 2013.

Please submit your application, including your CV, your publication and teaching records, a brief statement of your teaching experience as well as a concept for the further development of the GIGA and Ref. No. GIGA4/W3 to:

An den Präsidenten der Universität Hamburg
Mittelweg 177
20148 Hamburg

or via email to: