13 PhD positions in 10 EU locations in the frame of a new
FP7 – PEOPLE Marie Curie Initial Training Network:
TRANSACT is looking for Early Stage Researchers with backgrounds ranging from exact sciences to life sciences to be trained in multiple aspects within the field of in vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) with applications in oncology and neurology. Individual research projects encompass topics ranging from spectral quality assurance criteria to optimal exploitation of complementary multi-modal magnetic resonance imaging modalities.
The research training is supervised by a consortium of 10 academic and 4 industrial partners within Europe with wide expertise in basic science, clinical research and information technology.
Each job opening covers a 3-year research position in the frame of a doctoral program and will include research secondments at other partner institutions.
Each job opening covers a 3-year research position in the frame of a doctoral program and will include research secondments at other partner institutions.
Requirements: Master degree in (bio-) physics, chemistry, biology, biomedical sciences, biomedical engineering, computer science or a comparable training.
Expected starting date: September 2013 at the latest
Latest application date: January 1, 2013
Eligibility criteria and How to apply: check the Jobs section on www.transact-itn.eu