Interview of the Month: Frauen in Naturwissenschaft und Technik NUT e.V (11/2016)

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Read all the previous Interviews with our Members here


Our Member for November is the German association Frauen in Naturwissenschaft und Technik NUT e.V


For NUT, Dagmar Heymann, Dr.rer.nat., member of the board and a biochemist living in Berlin has accepted to answer the EPWS questionnaire.
Contact this association:
Association website:


EPWS: If you wanted to describe your association in one sentence, what would you say?
D.H.: We are an association of women in science and technology all over Germany.

EPWS: What are the objectives of your association?
D.H.: Our objectives are support and networking of women in scientific and technological fields; influence on current debates on environment, science and technology; and gender in science and technology.

EPWS: what is the history of NUT, in a few words?
D.H.: NUT originated from the German women’s movement and the meetings of women in science and technology (FiNuT) which started in Aachen in 1977. In 1988 the association was founded during the yearly FiNuT meeting in Göttingen.


EPWS: Could you explain the organization of your association?
D.H.: Our main institution is the meeting of members taking place regularly once a year during the FiNuT meetings. The members elect the board consisting of five women. Apart from this there exists an office in Berlin for contact and management.

EPWS: What are its recent achievements?
D.H.: We publish a book series, “Schriftenreihe”, to tackle the issues of women in science and technology including especially critical and feminist approaches. Within the last years we have established and developed further an archive for materials of women in science and technology, especially for the FiNuT movement and associated groups in cooperation with the Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin DTMB.


EPWS: What is your agenda for the coming months?
D.H.: Since the beginning of the year we have been preparing and organizing the FiNuT meeting for next year to celebrate 40 years of meetings of women in science and technology. The event will take place in May 2017 in Berlin in cooperation with the Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin DTMB and the ZIFG (Center for Interdisciplinary Women and Gender Research) at the Technical University Berlin – The preliminary title is “Blick zurück nach vorn – 40 Jahre FiNuT”: looking back on our history and into the future taking into view future aspects of feminist and gender aspects in science and technology.

EPWS: Are you collaborating with other EPWS members?
D.H.: At the moment mostly with dib, the German Association of and for Women in Technology and Engineering.

EPWS: What do you expect from EPWS? In what ways can it help you develop your action?
D.H.: Here we hope to intensify our contacts in the near future.



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