International Innovation: an interview with Brigitte Muehlenbruch and Dora Groo

Dr. Brigitte Mühlenbruch, President of the European Platform of Women Scientists, and Dr. Dora Groo, President of the Association of Hungarian Women in Science and Board Member of EPWS, have recently been interviewed and profiled in the prestigious International Innovation journal. The publication is a leading resource for the wider scientific, technology and research communities.
The interviews focus on the careers of both scientists and their work in favor of gender equality in science.

“From longstanding and successful careers in healthcare research, 
Drs Brigitte Muehlenbruch and Dora Groo have turned their attention to 
the pursuit of gender equality in science and innovation. Working through organisations such as the European Platform of Women Scientists and Association of Hungarian Women in Science, both these influential ambassadors
 represent the interests of women working within the sciences and industry.”