On 23 November 2023, the conference “The situation of young researchers in the Baltic states: development or waste of future scientific potential?” was held at the parliament in Vilnius, Lithuania, dedicated to the 15 th anniversary of the Lithuanian association BASNET
Forumas. This association of women scientists is represented on the EPWS Board of Administration by Dalia Šatkovskienė.
Supported by the Research Council of Lithuania and the French Institute in Lithuania, and under the auspices of Viktorija Čmilytė-Nilsen, Speaker of the Lithuanian Parliament, the conference was organized by BASNET Forumas, Vilnius University, Kaunas University of Technology and the Center for Physical Sciences and Technology. Speakers included Martin Andler (President of the Initiative for Science in Europe – ISE), Anne-Sophie Godfroy (Coordinator of the COST Action VOICES) and Maria Rosaria Masullo (Vice President of the GENERA network).
By focusing on the main challenges that young researchers from Baltic States meet in their scientific career paths, this conference was an opportunity to establish a collaborative contact between young researchers and policy makers to improve the unstable and precarious situation of young researchers in the Baltic States region.
To know more: basnetforumas.eu/international-conference-basnet-15-year