Interim Evaluation of the Seventh Framework Programme

The report of the Expert Group on the Interim Evaluation of the Seventh Framework Programme has been published.

Further steps to increase female participation in FP7 should be taken in its remaining years, in particular:

· Measures to boost female participation should be reinforced throughout project lifecycles, paying particular attention to overcoming gender-specific obstacles which women face.

· The Commission should reinvigorate its approach to promoting female scientists and should aim to galvanise Member States to address gender gaps, especially where female researchers face specific obstacles, while ensuring that it redoubles its efforts to achieve gender balance with a specific strategy for the remainder of FP7. It should accept its responsibilities in a leadership role, with the support of the Member States, to use positive measures for the training of female scientists, including a dedicated scheme under the Marie Curie actions.

· The 40% target for female participation in Programme and Advisory Committees should be sensitively but rigorously implemented.

Read the report (PDF) here