Panel discussion on 25 April titled “Inspiring women: Scaling up women’s entrepreneurship”. Chancellor Merkel discusses with Queen Máxima of the Netherlands, IWF director Christine Lagarde and Ivanka Trump, daughter and assistant to US president Donald Trump, how to promote female entrepreneurship on a larger scale around the world.
“The G20 countries have set themselves the task of bringing about worldwide economic growth, economic stability and social development for all. Women’s economic empowerment is fundamental to achieving these goals. Women – even in the G20 countries – are still nowhere near equal economic participation with men.
Women in business, science and society in the G20 countries met with Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin on 25 and 26 April for the W20 Dialogue Forum. The main goal of W20 was to promote women’s economic empowerment as an integral part of the G20 process. W20 also urges the G20 to set up a working group on gender-inclusive growth.”