Call for contributions: Inequality vs inclusiveness in changing academic governance

Call for contributions: application until the end of june

International Conference, Naples, Italy
16-17 September 2019

Inequality vs inclusiveness in changing academic governance: policies, resistances, opportunities

Organizers : EUMENT-NET, the Equal opportunities office of the university of Geneva & University of Naples Federico II


In the last decades, profound transformations have been re-shaping academia and the research environment. Recent reforms in funding structures, research assessment exercises, and accountability procedures are redesigning the practices in academic work, redefining research schedules and determining relevant effects on scientific career paths. The academic practices emerging in these contexts produce new inequalities while strengthening old ones. Changing rules in recruitment and career development of researchers in some instances reduce and in others intensify the pre-existing gender gaps, having ambivalent impacts on different researchers’ cohorts, on minorities, on universities of different sizes, and different regional contexts.

European policies are orienting research and innovation processes towards the development of more responsible and inclusive research practices, able to respond to the challenges of contemporary society. Gender Equality plans and mentoring programs in scientific institutions are part of these practices, fostering diversity in academia. Implemented in different national and cultural contexts, they offer a variety of models to tackle inequalities in academia, develop intergenerational exchange and encourage diversity.

This conference, organized by the University of Naples Federico II and EUMENT-NET (European network of mentoring programs in academia), aims to encourage the debate about the impact of current transformations on academic landscapes in terms of gender and diversity, and about the achievements of equality action plans and related practices among:

– academics and researchers from different research fields ;
– decision-makers in academia and government bodies ;
– practitioners from academic and research institutions (project managers and persons in charge of the implementation of gender equality plans/projects, mentoring programs, etc., and other HR development professionals).


Keynote speakers:
– Marieke van den Brink, Professor of Gender & Diversity at the Radboud University Nijmegen
– Marcela Linková, Head of the Centre for Gender and Science at the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Chair of the ERAC Standing Working Group on Gender in Research and Innovation


We welcome empirical and theoretical contributions (about your research or project) on the following topics
– New forms of techno-scientific governance and their impact in terms of gender and diversity in academia ;
– Excellence and bias effects in academic recruitment and career progression ;
– The contribution of gender studies and STS feminist studies to fostering gender equality in academia ;
– The contribution of HR professionals to fostering gender equality in academia ;
– Gender equality action plans in academic and research institutions ;
– Mentoring programs as a tool for supporting and developing diversity in academia ;
– Cultural change in the research institutions through mentoring programs ;
– Mentoring programs benefits for mentees, mentors and institutions.

For practitioners, there will be organized expert exchange sessions.

On the 18th of September 2019 : the General Assembly of the EUMENT-NET will be held. This meeting is also open to those interested in EUMENT-NET´s agenda (e.g.) mentoring programs coordinators or people thinking about setting up a mentoring program at their institution. We will discuss the plan for 2020 and the possibilities of future cooperation among our members. It is a good opportunity for non-members to gain useful contacts and information, and to explore a possible interest in membership.


Deadline for abstract submission: 30th of June 2019
Acceptance of abstracts announcement: 15th of July 2019

Submit a paper :

Deadline early bird rate: 31st of July 2019
Deadline standard rate: 31st of August 2019



In case of any questions, please contact: