Latvian Women in Science, Latvia


Since 2002, S. Berzina joined the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases(ESCMID), represented Latvia in European Society of Antimicrobial Consumption(ESAC) and in Co-operation of Science and Technique(COST) in the Domain of Biomolecular Bioscience, as well as in a European project – e-BUG( use of antimicrobials in the European schools). S.Berzina was a leader of Task Force project in Latvia ‘Antimicrobial consumption in Latvia’.

S.Berzina joined the European Platform of Women Scientists(EPWS)in 2006 and has started a Network – Latvian Women in Science(LaWiSe) in 2007 – the first Network raising the voice of women scientists in Latvia and organized the conference ‘Women in Science – in the Nordic and Baltic Countries’ ( March 31,2008). She also represented the network LaWiSe at the Ministry of Welfare of Latvia(2009).

S.Berzina has taken part in the European conferences devoted to women in science – ‘Gender and Diversity in Organizations’ (jan.2009),Paris; ‘(EQUALITY) –Conference on Research Policy’ (March 2009), Oslo; ‘Changing Research Landscapes to Make the Most of Human Potential’ (May 2009),Prague; ‘Supporting Women in Scientific Careers’(June 2008), Brussels; as well as in training seminars for women scientists organized by EPWS(‘Management of Networks’,’Access to Funding’) and Centre of Excellence Women and Science(CEWS)(‘Encouragement to Advance’); and has participated with several posters.