Vilnius University (Lithuania)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dalia Šatkovskienė is a Physicist. She graduated from the Department of Elementary Particles of the Moscow State University. After joining the Faculty of Physics at Vilnius University in 1973, she changed of research domain and is now an internationally-known specialist in Quantum Mechanics of molecules. Prof. D. Šatkovskienė has more than 130 scientific publications and is the author of 4 textbooks in theoretical physics; she was invited and participated in many international conferences and meetings. Among other professional awards she received the American Physical Societies international Marshak award (2008).
Since 2004, she has been involved as an expert evaluator in Physics of EC FP6, FP7 and Horizon 2020 programmes and worked as an independent observer for EC FP7 programme.
She has been involved in gender in science issues since 2002, after the first Women in Physics conference held in Paris by IUPAP. In particular she coordinated EC FP projects: the regional Baltic States FP6 project “Baltic States Network: Women in Sciences and HT” (BASNET,, the FP7 project Structural Change Promoting Gender Equality in Research Organizations“(SAPGERIC,, the EEA and Norway Funds Bilateral programme project „Gender Equality Implementation in Research Institutions: Collaborative Approach“(GEIRICA, She is member of the Managing Committee of genderSTE COST project and member of the Advisory Board of FP7 projects TRIGGER and EGERA.
In 2008 she initiated the establishment of the regional Baltic States BASNET Forumas association and is the elected president of BASNET Forumas and member of the EPWS Board of Administration.
In 2013, by decree of the President of the Republic of Lithuania H.E. Dalia Grybauskaitė, she was awarded a commemorative badge as an acknowledgement of personal input during the Lithuanian European Presidency. Prof. Šatkovskienė strongly contributed to the implementation of gender mainstreaming policy in the Baltic States region. In 2014 she was awarded the Medal for promotion of the unity and cooperation among three Baltic nations-Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia by the Baltic Assembly.