Former President of EPWS, Former Vice Rector of the University of Luxemburg

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“Adelheid Ehmke has a PhD in Biology. In her professional career she worked as a scientist in the field of Pharmaceutical Biology at the Universities of Bonn and Braunschweig (Germany). As Vice President of the TU Braunschweig (1994-1996) she chaired the “Kommission für Frauenfragen”.”

As vice president of the TU Braunschweig (1994-1996) she chaired the “Kommission für Frauenfragen”.

From 1998 to 2004 she was President of the Trier University of Applied Sciences. During this time she implemented the “Ada Lovelace Projekt”, a project encouraging girls and young women in studying Engineering and Sciences and transferred the project to Luxembourg.

Until April 2006, she was Vice Rector of the newly founded University of Luxembourg.

She is the former Vice President for New Media and Knowledge Transfer of the German Rectors Conference (Hochschulrektorenkonferenz).