BASNET Forumas is mourning the passing away of Dr. Alicija Kupliauskienė, its longstanding Chairman of association’s Executive Board and alternate member of the EPWS Board of Administration.
Alicija Kupliauskienė was an internationally known Lithuanian physicist. She graduated from Vilnius University and received her PhD on the theory of atoms under the supervision of the outstanding Lithuanian physicist Adolfas Jucys. Her scientific achievements were evaluated by the National Lithuanian Science Award. Dr. Alicija Kupliauskienė was among the Lithuanian women scientists who initiated the FP6 project BASNET and the establishment of the regional Baltic States association BASNET Forumas. She also was involved in IUPAP women in physics activities as the first Lithuanian team leader. Alicia contributed strongly in raising awareness of scientific society to the gender equality problem in research.
BASNET Forumas president
Assoc. Prof. Dalia Satkovskiene