Guidelines for Gender Equality Programmes in Science

“The final version of the Guidelines for Gender Equality Programmes in Science is now available on line.

The volume contains the main findings of the assessment of the good practices aimed at strengthening the presence of women at decision making level of the scientific and technological research, collected and analysed in the framework of the European project PRAGES – Practising Gender Equality in Science.

To download the document, please click here

The good practices collected and evaluated are consultable on-line in a database where the Synthesis document of the Prages database is also available.

To consult the documents, please click here

Finally, we would like to inform you that the documentation of the international seminar «Women’s way into science. Lessons learned and new challenges for gender equality » held in Rome on December 3-4, 2009, is also available online.”

To read the documents, please click here

For more information on the project, please click here