Science Europe at the Global Research Council 2016: Issues concerning Women in Research


Science Europe will debate global approaches to interdisciplinarity and the equality and status of women in research with leaders of research organisations from across the world at the Global Research Council (GRC) 2016 Annual Meeting.

The GRC promotes international research collaboration and impact by providing a unique global forum for research councils around the world to share best practice and data, and discuss research funding policy issues. The long-term objective of the GRC is to foster multi-lateral research and collaboration across continents to benefit both developing and developed nations.

More than 50 heads of research councils and expert observers attend this year’s meeting on 26 and 27 May in New Delhi, which is jointly hosted by the Indian Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) and Research Councils UK (RCUK).

Participants have discussed and endorsed a Statement of Principles on Interdisciplinarity and a Statement of Principles and Action Promoting Equality and Status of Women in Research at the meeting.

Professor Philip Nelson, Chair of RCUK, said: “Adopting these Statements as a global community is the foundation of greater alignment and capacity building across research funding agencies worldwide and demonstrates the value of the GRC in providing a forum for sharing best practice.”

“Today’s discussions are inspiring” said Professor Michael Matlosz, President of Science Europe. “Both topics allow us, as GRC Participants, to reflect not only on our respective roles as funders, performers, knowledge providers and possibly employers, but also the value of our collaboration.”

The adopted statements will be made available soon after the meeting ends at

Science Europe is an association of major European research funding and research performing organisations in 27 countries, established in 2011 to promote the collective interest of its members and to foster collaboration between them. For more information, see