genderSTE : call for Training School in Istanbul

Engendering Research about Cities, Transport, Energy & Climate Change

COST Training School. A Residential Workshop for Early Stage Researchers

Monday evening 2nd November – Friday evening 6th November, 2015
Istanbul, Turkey
This workshop is designed to encourage early stage researchers (ESRs) to consider how gender relations shape research in the EU priority areas of cities, transport, energy and climate change.
Gender relationships structure society, and therefore most research is, in some way, gendered. Gender affects who does research, how and which research questions are identified as important, which methodologies are chosen, the case studies and data sets used, and the analysis undertaken. For an increasing number of researchers, these considerations are explicit, but for others they remain implicit, or even unconscious. Better recognition of gender relations and their implications, and attention to how these affect research, ultimately makes for better science with more robust results. This is being acknowledged by funders such as the European Union, and the North American National Institutes of Health, and publishers such as Nature and The Lancet, who are now requiring authors to identify how they have taken gender into account in their research frameworks.
The aim of this workshop is to encourage ESRs to explore how gender affects their existing or proposed research, and consider how they might incorporate a gender perspective. Workshop tutors are experienced researchers with gender expertise, and the programme will build from introducing the concept of gender and developing its complexity, in general, to working on case studies of urban design, housing, transport, energy and climate change, so that participants can understand how they can incorporate sophisticated gendered analyses into their PhD and postdoctoral research.
Inés Sánchez de Madariaga, Polytechnic University of Madrid. SP
Marion Roberts. University of Westminster. UK
Susan Buckingham. Brunel University. UK
Frances Hogdson Institute for Transport Studies. University of Leeds: UK
Florian Reinwald. University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences of Vienna. AT
Lidewij Tummers. Faculty of Architecture TU Delft. TN
Klaus Schroeder. Design People. DK
Hilda Roemer Christiansen. University of Copenhagen. DK
Nüzhet Dalfes. Istanbul Technical University. TK
Handan Türkoğlu. Istanbul Technical University. TK
Yurdanur Yüksel. Istanbul Technical University. TK
Haluk Gerçek (TBC) . Istanbul Technical University. TK
(List to be completed)

genderSTE is a policy-driven targeted network funded by COST, European Cooperation in Science and Technology ( COST provides funding for our activities since our launch on November 28th 2012.
The target groups/ end users of genderSTE include science and technology policy, funding and performing institutions and stakeholders relying on the results of the science and technology. genderSTE will direct its activities to the first three groups and the results of genderSTE’s activities will result in better outcomes for the end users.
The deadline for the submission of the Application Form is 30/07/2015.
The selection of the candidates will take place before 10/09/2015.
Please submit your application to: