At the end of 2018, EPWS carried out a survey on the expectations and needs of women scientists in Europe. Among the 3,849 respondents, 1,780 were from France.
The survey results concerning Franceésultats-France_2018.pdf were presented on October 18th 2019 at the colloquium organised at the French ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, Paris. This event gathered 60 specialists and stakeholders involved in women and science issues from all over the country. It focused on the employment situation of women scientists in France, very clearly introduced by Prof. Frédérique Pigeyre (Conservatoire national des arts et métiers), and on the way these women are experiencing it.

After the results presentation by Yvonne Pourrat, Bodo Clavreul and André Béraud from ECEPIE (, Claudine Hermann, the EPWS President, and André Béraud proposed recommendations, based on the survey outcomes, to policy-makers, institutions and associations. These recommendations were commented by Céline Calvez, member of the French Parliament (MP) and of the delegation for the Rights of Women and Gender Equality of the Parliament. She committed to integrate some of them in her legislative work and invited the attendees to pursue their thoughts in a working group at the French Parliament, where she intends to also invite other MPs.
The final discussion was particularly rich in ideas.