Event to honor the memory of Claudine Hermann organized by the French association ‘Femmes & Sciences’

On October 15, the French association ‘Femmes & Sciences’ organized a first event to honor the memory of Claudine Hermann who passed away recently
(read more: https://epws.org/professor-claudine-hermann-epws-honorary-president-2021-passed-away/) with the conference “Les réseaux de femmes scientifiques”, at the amphithéâtre Poincaré in Paris (read the program: https://epws.org/femmes-sciences-is-organizing-a-conference-to-the-memory-of-claudine-hermann/).
There was a lot of emotion, during the whole afternoon, when the creation of the association Femmes & Sciences was evoked, as Claudine was one of the founders, when younger members of the association told how Claudine mentored them, and when the partners, public or private institutions, said how Claudine was at the center of the interactions.

At the Paris conference, EPWS President Lucia Martinelli honored Claudine’s memory in a video message.
She recalled the crucial role of Prof. Claudine Hermann in her activity for EPWS as one of the member of the first BoA, as Vice President and as President until when she was nominated Honorary President on June 2021 (read more: https://epws.org/prof-claudine-hermann-epws-honorary-president-2021/).
Claudine leaves an important handover in the commitment for the rights of women of science to EPWS and to all women of science.
A second event is planned to be organized by EPWS on 2022.

The video of this presentation is available at this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKbqCvImpHA&t=14s