“Created by Euroscience, ESOF – Euroscience Open Forum – is the biennial pan-European meeting dedicated to scientific research and innovation.
At ESOF meetings leading scientists, researchers, young researchers, business people, entrepreneurs and innovators, policy makers, science and technology communicators and the general public from all over the world discuss new discoveries and debate the direction that research is taking in the sciences, humanities and social sciences.
ESOF is unique in that it is both international and multidisciplinary. ESOF takes place every two years, in a major European city (Stockholm, Munich, Barcelona, Torino, Dublin…) and presents breakthroughs in disciplines as varied as mathematics, music, geography, genetics etc. through a range of different formats including lectures, workshops etc..
ESOF therefore presents and discusses the frontiers of scientific and technological research in Europe, contributes to the development of a European Scientific Identity together with bridging the gap between science and society and stimulates policies to support scientific research.”
For the full Sessions Programme, please click here
For more information, please click here