European Women Researchers Day – 2014



The European Women Researchers Day is an annual event taking place simultaneously in different research and higher education institutions around Europe which share a commitment to scientific excellence through gender equality. The launching of the European Women Researchers Day will take place on 28 March 2014, with events being held at the National Center for Scientific Research, France and the University of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iasi, Romania.


The objective of European Women Researchers Day is to contribute to the career development of women researchers by increasing their visibility and creating opportunities for exchange and networking at European and international level.


– By supporting the creation of a European Women Researchers Day, the FP7-funded projects on gender equality through structural change are making a joint statement towards an international acknowledgement of the importance of gender equality in science.
– Following this year’s events, research and higher education institutions in Europe will be invited to state their interest in taking part in the organising committee of the 2015 European Women Researchers Day.